

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Orders

How long can I get my product shipped

According to our data analysis, we promise your order will be delivered to you in about 10-12 days, we will try our best to help you get your order as soon as possible.For custom products we may need an additional 24-48 hours to process your order. Please understand.

How do I use my discount code

If you have a discount code, you can enter it at the checkout page, and the automatic discount code and activity will be visible after the product is added to the cart

How can I change my order information or address

When you find that the information is wrong, you can contact and we will help you correct your information within 24 hours, but the information cannot be modified after 24 hours, please confirm your information is correct at checkout.

  • Returns + Exchanges

What is your freeshipping and return policy

We will offer you free shipping service when your order is over 49$.(US&UK Orders)

For non-custom products, we provide a 30-day free return policy after you receive the products. All exchanges and returns must be clean and undamaged (no pet hair, stains, etc.) and, when possible, returned in original packaging. Items may be exchanged up to 2 times. Items returned in questionable condition are subject to restocking fees. Returns will be processed within 5-10 business days of being received.

How do i return the product

Please visit our Refund Policy page and contact us, we will assist you by email.